Uplifting Lynda Field Quotes to Encourage you to Bring Out Your Best!
Our beloved friend Lynda Field peacefully passed away in her sleep on August 30th, 2020. She was a leading life coach and self-esteem expert as well as an author of 17 books which continues to provide support and encouragement to all who read them. In this post, I will share 52 Lynda Field Quotes to share her words of encouragement as well as how she impacted my life.
Lynda Field: My Life Coach and Mentor
I came across Lynda Field, a confidence coach from London, in my suggested friends section on Facebook. At the time, she had over a million followers on Facebook and had written 17 books. Besides being a life coach of 30+ years, she was also a speaker, counselor, and therapist. Needless to say, I was impressed with her ambition and booked a session with her right away.
Lynda Field was my first ever life coach, and I didn’t know what to expect. I assumed a Life coach would be doing most of the talking and sharing their life experiences, advice and wisdom. Much to my surprise, this was not the case.
She asked me deep questions that would challenge me to look at things from a different perspective. She made me feel deeply listened to and understood. She was genuine, open, and honest which led me to trust her and feel safe to share all my thoughts. As time passed our sessions grew to be even more meaningful.
I was at a time of my life where I was trying new things and lacking in self-esteem, and I was very sensitive to judgment. But not once did I feel that she was somehow judging me or shaming me. She would help me to develop a growth mindset by encouraging me to talk to myself as a friend. She would also catch me when I was being hard on myself, which would set an example for me as well.
I started to notice a pattern. That whenever I would ask for advice, more often than not, she would turn it back to me, challenging me to come up with my own solution. She would then encourage me and support my decisions like my personal cheerleader.
It was through this back-and-forth exchange and holistic approach in her coaching that I was growing in self-awareness and self-confidence. I started trusting my intuition and decisions. It felt as if I was for once taking the wheel of my own life.
Not only did I feel better after each session, but I felt like there was rapid growth happening between the sessions as well. I would always walk away with new insights and she would leave me with an action step to work on in between our sessions.
The last session we had together was on the 28th of August. I remember ending the call by sharing an experience I had earlier that week.
I was sitting in my backyard when I watched the most magnificent sunset. The sky was bursting with a symphony of colors from florescent oranges, pinks, violets, and reds that lit up the entire sky. The sun’s magnificent rays leaked between the layers of clouds adding to its beauty. However, the most spectacular part was that it was all changing so rapidly. It was as if God had a dimmer switch and was adjusting the colors in real-time. The sight was so spectacular and awe-inspiring that it felt like I was witnessing a miracle. This went on for a good 15 minutes and I was just paralyzed by its beauty. It felt to me like heaven and earth were meeting.
Lynda awed and thanked me for sharing my miracle story with her and we said our goodbyes and ended the call.
A few days later, a post came up on Lynda Fields Facebook feed.
She had passed away just two days after our last call together.
I miss Lynda so much. I wish she was still here to guide me when I struggle with my decisions. To support me when I am feeling lost. To encourage me as I try new things. And to comfort me when I am feeling down.
She was the most genuine and kindhearted soul. I thank God for allowing me to have her in my life and I know that she is in heaven taken in all of its beauty and splendor.
To celebrate Lynda Fields Incredible Life, I’ve selected 37 of my favorite encouraging quotes from a few of her .
Lynda Field Quotes From: 60 Ways to Feel Amazing
“Our biggest fear is of fear itself and the greatest antidote to fear is boldness.”
“Accept a compliment and you will feel wonderful and so will the person giving it.”
“Using praise is one of the most powerful ways of allowing a child to feel good about herself.”
“When we can fill our minds with beautiful thoughts our world becomes a beautiful place.”
“Discover what drives you from within and match it with real-world activities to give your life new meaning.”
“Fun people can be any age: staying young is an attitude, it has nothing to do with how old we are.”
“As one door closes another opens. Look for the newly opening door, look for the silver lining.”
Lynda Field Quotes From: 60 Ways to Change Your Life
“The best impression you can make is the one you make when you are being your natural self.”
Lynda Field Quotes from: Instant Life Coach: 200 Brilliant Ways to be Your Best
“When you know what you want you will make things happen.”
“Take time to appreciate your precious life.”
“Spend your time where it matters most.”
“When you recognize your feelings you recognize your needs.”
“When we are truly free to be ourselves all our relationships improve and we feel wonderful.”
“Next time you hear yourself say “I really need to…’ just go ahead and do it!”
“Allow your inner child to play and dance through life and you will stay forever young.”
“Look inside for all the answers, you have all the power you need.”
“Keep at it and eventually your positive affirmation will replace your negative belief.”
“Recognize your lessons, understand what you need to learn and then change your behavior accordingly.”
“You did the best things you could at the time and now look forward to a positive future.”
“There is nothing standing in your way that you cannot step over.”
“Give yourself a break, and another one and another one…”
“Communicate your needs in a creative way and you are more likely to get what you want.”
“Encourage and empower your children and they will know how to respect themselves and others.”
“Accept a compliment and you will feel wonderful and so will the person giving it.”
“When you are assertive you are respecting yourself and others.”
“Mix with the people you admire and you will feel inspired to create your own success.”
Lynda Field Quotes from: The Self-Esteem Coach: 10 Days to a Confident New You
“It’s important to value every one of your successes, however small they might seem – self-appreciation boosts your confidence.”
“Lack of kindness to self is the seed that grows low self-esteem. Plant the kindness seed and watch yourself blossom.”
“Everytime you blame something or someone, you are giving away your power.”
“You were born to take on the world, so take it on!”
“When you are being authentic (real and true to yourself) then your behavior will be naturally assertive.”
“We teach others the way we want them to treat us: teach them well.”
“You can, if you think you can: think it and then just do it!”
“Praise yourself for each success, however small it may be.”
“Working on creating healthy boundaries is a wonderfully practical and direct way to increase your self-esteem.”
“Self-esteem requires self-respect and it is hard to respect ourselves if we are running our lives according to the dictates of others.”
“Wherever you go, you take yourself, so be kind to your constant companion.”
“It is easier to accept our responsibility for our emotional states if we are flowing in the positive upward spiral where we are full of self-belief, feel great and can happily extend our positivity to others.”
“Love and value yourself, be your own kind best friend. This relationship lasts forever!”
“When your self-esteem is low, look to yourself for support. Look inside instead of outside.”
“The voice of your inner critic has no authority unless you give it some.”
“Action speaks louder than words and when you walk your talk your levels of self-worth and self-esteem will naturally rise.”
“Imagine your own reservoir of happiness – a calm and joyful resource that you can dip into at anytime. How wonderful it feels to know that this supply is only a thought away.”
“Happiness is an inside job rather than something we can go out and get.”
“Positive affirmations (sometimes called mantras) are the perfect antidote to negativity because they challenge the validity of our unhappy beliefs in the most immediate way”.
“Both happiness and anxiety are contagious, be sure to catch the happiness habit.”
Lynda Field Quotes from: Weekend Confidence Coach: How to Kick the Self-Doubt Habit in 48 Hours
“Gaining confidence to be yourself begins with the recognition that you deserve to relax and evaluate your own needs.”
“The act of looking at yourself to see what you can make better requires a strong commitment to change: it means being utterly realistic and ready to take a stand and say, ‘This is who I am, this is what I want and this is what I will do to achieve it.’”
“The more we talk about what we don’t like the less able we are to focus on the ways and means of bringing about constructive change.”
“There is actually no such thing as a totally confident person; we are always changing and growing; nothing stay the same and we are continually challenged to keep flexible.”
“The most fabulous and wonderful news is that: Your beliefs about yourself are not necessarily true; they are not facts, they are only what you are choosing to believe.”
“Let your dreams show you where your heart lies and which paths you need to follow and you will live a life full of love; indeed, ‘no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams’.”
Lynda Field’s Quotes Continue to Inspire Us
Lynda Field will always hold a special place in my heart. She was one of the most beautiful souls I have encountered even though we were half a world away. She gave me confidence, faith, and taught me to love myself better. I am so thankful for every coaching call I had with her and everything she has done for me. I am so blessed that I can continue to hear her voice through the collection of books she left behind.
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Author: Tiphany Janik
Self-Care Coach For Moms
Are you a stressed-out mom? If so, grab this free 12-page self-care kit here to help you de-stress in 2023. I’ve been stressed out, burned out, and basically wanted out. The tools and strategies I share in this kit and throughout Best Self Mom have helped me revolutionize my self-care and bring out my best self. If you are ready to show up for your family like never before. Let’s chat!
If Lynda Field touched your life, please leave a tribute, prayers, and condolences using the comment section below.
4 Responses
Thank you so much for producing this lovely tribute. Lynda was an incredible lady and helped me enormously when I, too, had life coaching with her. I then lost touch never expecting for a moment she would leave this world long before time. I found out much later and was SO very sad. What amazes me is that she passed on the same date as Wayne Dwyer and Louise Hay which I thought was quite remarkable, two other great teachers.
I have often searched for her quotes on Google which have bought a lot of comfort and today I have just found your tribute. (I also have so many of her books but find the quotes particularly effective in this stressful, busy world).
I really wish I could have thanked her again for all her help and for the impact she had.
Sending warm wishes to you & many thanks again 💜🎉🧡
Julie, London, UK
Hello, thank you for writing such a lovely tribute. Lynda is my grandmother and this was shared to our family today, we have all read it and it was a very special thing to read on the anniversary of her passing. Sending lots of love your way in the next chapters of your life x
I’m so pleased to hear this Alaska. I feel honored by this and appreciate you sharing this with me. I feel privileged to have had that time with her those last couple of years. She was such an amazing person and had a great impact on my life. May God bless your family and provide comfort to you all.
Wonderful to read this tribute.
picked up my book after a few years on the shelves .a gem all over again