There has been a large influx of moms who will be homeschooling during the pandemic for a variety of reasons, all unique to their own cherished values and circumstances.
16 seasoned homeschool moms stepped up to the plate to give you their heartfelt advice on how to take the stress out of homeschooling. These insightful tips can help you achieve an amazing year full of fun and learning and making this time a positive experience for you and your child(ren).
So, if you are new to homeschooling during the pandemic, already have been homeschooling, or just curious as a cat, this post is for you!
Homeschooling During The Pandemic Can Sound Stressful
Many of us moms might be struggling with stress, anxiety, doubt, fear, or other unpleasant emotions that can accompany treading into this unfamiliar territory. Whether you struggle with the idea of homeschooling during the pandemic or fear the pandemic itself, there are steps you can take to reduce stress.
16 Moms Share Their Their Best Tips To Take The Stress Out Of Homeschooling
I reached out to many amazing homeschooling mothers I have met over the years to gather the best advice. These homeschooling moms have taught from as little as two years all the way up to 28 years!
Just as teachers in a public or private school will face challenges (for example, how to teach effectively in a virtual classroom), homeschooling moms have their own set of unique challenges to overcome.
These 16 moms have all learned a variety of strategies to take the stress out of homeschooling and are ready to share their best tips with you.
More than Just Books
“Remember that there’s so much to be taught other than academics. House chores, manners in public, shaking hands, grocery store shopping, behavior at a doctor’s office, all of those things were lessons in my class.“
-Ann Marie (6 years)
“Life in your home is full of precious lessons, just as valuable as academic lessons.“
-Leeann (12 years)
“The school day can include baking in the kitchen, tinkering in the workshop, and a variety of other hands-on activities.”
-Kathy C. (28 years)
You have what it takes
“Parents have been teaching their children since birth… now they just have books to use!”
-Leeann (12 years)
“Remember, there is no single right way to homeschool and if it isn’t working, nothing is stopping you from changing it up. You’re the teacher!“
-Tiphany (8 years)
Do The Hard Subjects First
“Find a routine for your daily work and stick to it and do the hard subjects first thing at the beginning of your homeschool day when kids are fresh and well-rested.“
-Maria (8 years)
Gear To Your Childs Interests
“Find things your kids are interested in and learn about that. They will enjoy it and actually retain more that way.”
-Sara (3 years)
“Know your children’s learning style as well as your own to make the teaching process easier.“
-Roberta (17 years)
“Focusing on interest based learning really helps my bigger kids, and not trying to do too much.“
-Ann (4 years)
Find Your Teaching Style
“When I first started homeschooling, I found when a curriculum had too many pieces or the directions were too lengthy that would be the subject, I would teach last or many times opt to leave out for the day. After much frustration, I decided to choose curriculum that I enjoyed using and tailoring the curriculum to accommodate my children’s learning styles along the way. In the end, I was happier teaching in a more simplified space and my boys were happier having a less frazzled mom to learn from.“
-Sharon (7 years)
“Too many choices in deciding what curriculum to use can be overwhelming. It is better to start with a simple curriculum and adjust it as you go along.“
-Kathy C. (28 years)
“The thing that helped me the most was being confident in the curriculum I chose.“
-Jarri (2 years)
Fill Your Cup
“Mom-get up and get dressed before the kids do and take time to pray and read scripture before the day starts. ‘You can’t feed the children what they need if you’re not filled yourself.‘”
– Ann Marie (6 years)
“Prayer first is the key.“
-Ann (4 years)
“Spend time in solitude in prayer with God first thing in the morning before kids get up.
Don’t forget to exercise (releases serotonin, the happy chemical)
Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family. Eat healthy meals rich in vitamins (vegetables/fiber). It’s easy to reach for the junk…BUT DON’T!!!
Take your daily vitamins.
This sounds too simple but don’t dismiss it. Are you ready for it? Stay hydrated and I don’t mean 3 coffees a day. Drink plenty of water. Don’t let the day escape you without drinking your water. Drink half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 100lbs drink 50oz water. It’s that simple!“
-Corrine (4 years)
Stay Committed
“Commit to doing school every day! Especially in the lower grades. It’s hard to do school every day, and it’s easy to let something like going out to lunch turn into a trip to the park instead of going home and finishing lessons, but if you string enough “missed days” together, eventually your child’s knowledge and abilities will suffer. I learned this the hard way with my first child. I was totally committed to my second child and can see a huge difference in abilities. Committing to school every day is hard, but worth it! (On the other hand, if you have been good about committing, it’s ok to take a break for your sake and your child’s sake if you really feel it’s needed.)“
-Anonymous (8 years)
“Homeschooling can be a stressful transition for parents and children. I recommend you to go slow and give yourself grace. Stick to one course for at least half a year. It takes time for some children to get the hang of a new curriculum. Teaching your children at home can be a rewarding and fulfilling accomplishment if you put in the time and effort.”
-Diana (10 years)
Keep School Short And Sweet
“School doesn’t need to take all day. A couple hours a day is enough.”
-Sara (3 years)
Don’t Compare Yourself
“Don’t compare yourself to regular school culture, be creative, and work around your family needs.“
-Roberta (17 years)
“I think homeschooling looks different for everyone. I’d say find what works for you. It might take some trial and error. Don’t be discouraged. Also, you know your kids better than anyone else, so don’t feel like you can’t teach them.“
-Carissa (4 years)
Take A Break
“When things get overwhelming take a break. Even a 5-minute break does wonders. Let the kids run around, put music on and dance for a little bit and then you can all focus better.“
-Sara (3 years)
“Don’t be afraid to take a 10-15 min coffee/tea break in a locked room on days you feel stretched thin.“
-Corrine (4 years)
“If the kids are getting overwhelmed, pull them all together and read them all a good story. That will help wind everyone down and reduce the busyness.“
-Kathy C. (28 years)
Find Support
“Start a homeschooling group with other moms and have a night out to giggle, vent, and have a drink…or two. LOL“
-Corrine (4 years)
“Have a support system with other homeschoolers, and have mom’s night out to compare ideas, and find out that you are not the only one going through the same obstacles.“
-Roberta (17 years)
“Talk to a friend. We as women need to connect with other women emotionally. It’s the way God wired us. Vent to another mom. Also, you can get ideas from them. Network with other homeschoolers.“
-Corrine (4 years)
Keep It Simple
“Keep it simple for elementary grades. Reading, Writing, Math, and do other subjects organically or if we have time. But if they can read, they can learn anything on their own.“
– Kelly (7 years)
“Do not be over-ambitious. Don’t go overboard in planning and buying curriculum and mapping out every detail of your homeschool year. You likely won’t be able to meet all your expectations and hopes and you will feel like a failure. If you just set out to enjoy learning with your kids and trusting that will happen whether or not you have all the bells and whistles curriculum or that perfect teacher planner, then you won’t be as likely to burn yourself out. Start realistically and small and celebrate every success.“
-Christiana (10 years)
“I found my stress would correlate with how much the curriculum would demand of me. If you already have a lot on your plate such as working from home, multiple children in various grades, or just a low-stress tolerance, pick curriculum that will make your life easier! Avoiding curriculum that required my instruction daily helped tremendously.“
-Tiphany (8 years)
“You don’t have to finish a textbook! They put way more lessons in than you will ever need. I used to drive myself and my kids crazy trying to completely finish each textbook. A textbook is not a great novel.“
-Kathy A. (12 years)
“I also struggled sometimes with routine. what helped was making definitive windows of time like 1 hour to focus on a particular subject but not filling my day up and putting too much pressure on myself.“
-Jarri (2 years)
Plan Ahead
“Think ahead. Map out the following day the night before.“
-Corrine (4 years)
“Making sure I have the week planned out and having photocopied work prepared in advance has always made things run most smoothly for me.“
-Ann (4 years)
“Set daily goals, monthly goals, yearly goals, and a five year goal. Always inching away at five year goal with achieving daily goals. Inch by inch it’s a cinch, yard by yard it’s hard.“
-Corrine (4 years)
Adjust For Multiple Grades
“Have older children help young siblings with their studies.“
-Roberta (17 years)
“Don’t try to do too much. Focus on the basics and the other stuff just falls into place.“
-Ann (4 years)
“Do Unit Studies with children from multiple grade levels.“
-Kathy C. (28 years)
“Write down a lesson plan for each child that they can follow on their own.“
-Kathy C. (28 years)
“Incorporate household chores during schooling hours.“
Roberta (17 years)
Avoid Kids Burn Out
“Get the wiggles out and blood flowing to the brain before lessons begin by jumping on the trampoline or running around in the backyard (quietly…of course!! Shhh)
Take the kids to the park after school to change the environment or another fun low-cost activity.
At the end of the week as an incentive, do fun arts/crafts projects to let your kids creativity flow.“
-Corrine (4 years)
“Make the time you spend with the kids’ count.“
-Jarri (2 years)
Homeschooling during the pandemic can be a difficult decision. However, as you can see there are plenty of ways we can make the process less stressful and enjoyable.
I hope you can put some of these amazing tips into practice. However you do it, I pray that this year is a beautiful and joyful bonding experience that brings your family closer together that you will remember for years to come.
Author: Tiphany Janik
Self-Care Coach For Moms
Are you a stressed-out mom? If so, grab this free 12-page self-care kit here to help you de-stress in 2023. I’ve been stressed out, burned out, and basically wanted out. The tools and strategies I share in this kit and throughout Best Self Mom have helped me revolutionize my self-care and bring out my best self. If you are ready to show up for your family like never before, let’s chat!
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If you are a homeschool mom, do you have any other tips you’d like to share? Please leave us a comment!
4 Responses
Great article. Wish I had it when I started homeschooling. Lots of good advice!
Put God in control of your home school and pray about everything that comes up. Remember not to compare yourself to others. Each home school is different because each family is different. And try different things if you need to. It’s OK to make mistakes, that’s how we learn and grow. Teach your family to show mercy to each other. Love is the goal.
Great advice! I especially love ‘It’s OK to make mistakes, that’s how we learn and grow.’
These are all helpful tips, some that even an educator in a public school would want you to keep in mind. Great summary!