2022 – The Year You Get Your Sleep Back
Are you the tired mom who can’t seem to get enough sleep because your baby isn’t the greatest of sleepers?
I’m sure you’ve had someone tell you, “sleep when the baby sleeps!”
Well, little do they know, that’s near impossible, when laundry needs to be done, bottles need to be cleaned, the baby wakes up every hour, and, well – you name it! Life is plain hard when you’re a sleep deprived.
Trust me, I know.
When Sleep Gets in the Way of Being Your Best Self
Before I became a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I was once the exhausted mom with a 6 month old baby who woke 8 times in one night. Yes, I said it! EIGHT! I was more exhausted than I ever thought possible.
I was not my best self.
I was not the mom I wanted to be.
I was miserable and severely sleep deprived.
In Just Three Weeks, My daughter was Falling Asleep on Her Own
And I had NO idea I could do something about it, that is until I found a sleep consultant. She told me she could help me teach my 6 month old daughter to sleep through the night without the cry-it-out method. I was leary, but I was also willing to do anything to get the sleep I needed to be my best self and be the mom I always dreamed I would be.
In 3 weeks, sure enough, my daughter was completely falling asleep on her own, sleeping 11-12 hours of consolidated sleep every night, and was taking long naps, which never happened before.
In those 3 weeks, my world changed. I actually had time to do laundry. I had time to do the dishes. I even had time to catch up on my favorite TV shows! As for my daughter, she was severely less cranky. I knew exactly when she was tired, vs when she was hungry. She was happier and so was I!
Sleep is a Skill?!
My experience of hiring a Sleep Consultant was so life-changing, I decided to become a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant myself, and change families lives the way mine was changed.
I had no idea that sleep was a skill!
I’m here today to tell you that. Just as we teach our children to be great swimmers, we can teach them to become amazing sleepers! You do not have to go day in and day out exhausted. You can be a well-rested mom with a well-rested baby, no matter the age of your child! You can teach your child sleep skills!
Top 3 Tips to Help Your Child Get a Good Night Sleep
Here are my top 3 tips for teaching your child to become an amazing sleeper both at night and during the day:
1. Watch Wake Windows
Did you know your baby can only handle a certain amount of awake time before they become overtired based on their age? For example, newborns can only handle about 45 minutes of awake time before they need sleep, and 7 month olds need 3-3.5 hours of awake time before they are ready for their next nap! Here is a guide (by months) to help you understand your child’s wake window:
2. Understand Sleep Pressure
What Is Sleep Pressure?
Sleep pressure can be thought of as the brain’s pressure and need for sleep, becoming greater with increasing amounts of time spent awake. In this way, the pressure to sleep is directly related to the amount of time that we have been awake.
How Does Sleep Pressure Affect Your Baby’s Sleep?
For us, as adults, as the day progresses, our need for sleep builds until we climb into bed at night and fall asleep.
For babies, they can only handle a certain amount of awake time depending on their age, before they need to sleep, so they end up with one or more naps each day.
If your baby hasn’t had their proper awake time, they will find it very hard to independently and successfully fall asleep.
Accidentally Taking off Sleep Pressure:
If a baby/toddler falls asleep for even one minute when it’s not their desired nap time, this takes off sleep pressure and can make it very hard for your baby to fall asleep successfully and independently. This means as your baby learns their independent sleep skills, they might try to take a snooze in the car or a stroller. Keep an eye out for that, unless you want them to sleep at that time!
3. Wake, Eat, Play, Sleep
One of the biggest reasons babies struggle to independently fall asleep is because of their strong feed to sleep association. When you are on a Wake, Eat, Play, Sleep schedule with your baby, you are feeding them after they’ve woken up, and not before sleep. This schedule encourages good, full feeds which are vital to a good night’s sleep!
Here’s to a Good Night Sleep
With all of that in mind, let 2022 be the year you are no longer sleep deprived. Let 2022 be the year you become your best self by getting amazing sleep. It’s not only essential to your well being, but your babies too!
If you want to chat with me on exactly how to teach your baby to become an amazing sleeper in the most gentle way possible, book a free call with me! I’ll do a complimentary sleep evaluation with you to dive deeper into your child’s sleep struggles and see how I can best help you!
(925) 989-1013
About Kayla Ramos, Owner of Graceful Sleep Solutions
Kayla is a mom to her sweet little girl who inspired the Sleep Consultant career Kayla now has. Her daughter was once waking 8 times in one night and when Kayla learned there was something she could do to teach her daughter to be an amazing sleeper, she did, and it changed her entire family’s life. It is now Kayla’s passion to spread the word that you don’t have to wear the “Mommyhood Exhausted Badge of Honor” and that there IS something you can do to teach your child to sleep well. With over 2.5 years of experience and a passion that comes from life experience, Kayla creates a sleep plan made just for your child with their temperament and your parenting style in mind, and will walk with you side by side teaching your child to be an amazing sleeper. Being a mom is hard. Being a sleep deprived mom is even harder. Life doesn’t have to be that way, and that is the message Kayla is so passionate about spreading.
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